Following the closure of Uranohoshi Girls’ High School, the third-year college students—Dia Kurosawa, Kanan Matsuura, and Mari Ohara—have simply graduated, leaving Aqours with solely the primary and second-years. While looking for a brand new place the remaining members can use to follow, they resolve to go to the brand new faculty they may quickly enroll in. However, to their shock, the constructing appears to be deserted! It seems that as a result of faculty board’s worries concerning how the freshly transferred Uranohoshi college students might burden the golf equipment, they have been as a substitute despatched to a department faculty. This units Aqours on a brand new purpose—to show that Uranohoshi college students are critical of their golf equipment as properly. Meanwhile, one other downside arises: the third-years have unexpectedly gone lacking throughout their commencement journey!
Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow revolves across the remaining Aqours members as they enterprise out to seek for their lacking seniors and, on the identical time, strive to determine a method to change the brand new faculty’s thoughts.