In the mysterious future, crystalline organisms referred to as Gems inhabit a world that has been destroyed by six meteors. Every Gem is assigned a job with a view to combat towards the Lunarians, a species who assaults them with a view to shatter their our bodies and use them as decorations.
Phosphophyllite, also referred to as Phos, is a younger and fragile Gem who goals of serving to their buddies in the battle effort. As an alternative, they’re informed to compile an encyclopedia as a result of of their delicate situation. After begrudgingly embarking on this job, Phos meets Cinnabar, an clever gem who has been relegated to patrolling the remoted island at night time as a result of of the corrosive poison their physique creates. After seeing how sad Cinnabar is, Phos decides to discover a position that each of the rejected Gems can take pleasure in. Houseki no Kuni follows Phos’ efforts to be helpful and shield their fellow Gems.
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