Haikyuu!! Second Season is the sequel to the primary anime adaptation of the manga of the identical identify, Haikyuu!!, which was ranked in 4th place in Honya Club’s prestigious ‘Zenkoku Shotenin ga Eranda Osusume Comic’ rating in 2013. Sentai (*2*) has introduced their unique licensing rights for digital and residential launch in North America.
Following their participation on the Inter-High, the Karasuno High School volleyball crew makes an attempt to refocus their efforts, aiming to beat the Spring match as an alternative.
When they obtain an invite from long-standing rival Nekoma High, Karasuno agrees to participate in a big coaching camp alongside many notable volleyball groups in Tokyo and even some nationwide degree gamers. By enjoying with a number of the hardest groups in Japan, they hope not solely to sharpen their expertise, but additionally give you new assaults that will strengthen them. Moreover, Hinata and Kageyama try to plan a extra highly effective weapon, one that would presumably break the sturdiest of blocks.
Facing what could also be their final likelihood at victory earlier than the senior gamers graduate, the members of Karasuno’s volleyball crew should study to settle their variations and practice more durable than ever in the event that they hope to beat formidable opponents outdated and new—together with their archrival Aoba Jousai and its world-class setter Tooru Oikawa.