The year is 2071. Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction following the emergence of man-eating monsters known as “Aragami” that boast an immunity to traditional weaponry. They ravaged the land, consuming virtually every thing of their path and leaving nothing of their wake. To fight them, a corporation named Fenrir was fashioned as a last-ditch effort to avoid wasting humanity by means of the usage of “God Eaters”—particular people infused with Oracle cells, permitting them to wield the God Arc, the one identified weapon able to killing an Aragami. One such God Eater is Lenka Utsugi, a New-Kind whose God Arc takes the type of each blade and gun.
Now, as considered one of Fenrir’s biggest weapons, Lenka should grasp his God Arc if he’s to satisfy his need of wiping out the Aragami as soon as and for all. The monsters proceed to be born en masse whereas the remnants of humanity wrestle to outlive the evening. Solely God Eaters stand between the Aragami and full and complete annihilation of the human race.