In Japan, there exists a authorities company generally known as the Supernatural Catastrophe Countermeasures Division (SDCD), whose responsibility is to guard the residents from creatures unseen. They’re able to dispatch these monsters swiftly and with out alerting most people. However at present, they face a distinct problem: the betrayal of certainly one of their very own.
After the dying of her mom a number of years in the past, Kagura Tsuchimiya has been fostered by the Isayama household and varieties a detailed sister-like bond with their daughter Yomi. The 2 develop into inseparable, and collectively they work for the SDCD as extremely expert exorcists. Nevertheless, because the stress and penalties of their sacred responsibility weigh on them each, and household politics come into play, Kagura and Yomi start to slowly drift aside. Considered one of them grows earnestly into her position as an exorcist, and the opposite heads down a darkish path from which there could also be no redemption…