Many years into the future, humanity is under siege by an alien race often called the Novas. These inhuman beings leave devastation in their wake every time they appear, with the efforts to stave them off changing into often called Nova Clashes. Younger ladies often called “Pandoras” and younger males often called “Limiters” are implanted with stigmata to provide them superhuman powers and are educated in army academies, the place they need to be taught to work collectively if humanity is to have an opportunity of surviving.
Freezing tells the story of Kazuya Aoi as he units out for his first day on the West Genetics army academy, proper when a battle royale is being undertaken by the Pandoras. It’s right here that he errors Satellizer el Bridget—a robust Pandora often called the “Untouchable Queen”—as his deceased sister and embraces her. Although he prices her the match, she finds that his contact does not drive her away and decides to take him as her Limiter. The one query is whether or not or not their partnership can survive the machinations of their upperclassmen and the upcoming battle with the Novas…
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