After 5 years of harboring unspoken feelings, high-schooler Taiju Ooki is lastly capable of confess his prefer to Yuzuriha Ogawa. Merely when Taiju begins his confession nonetheless, a blinding inexperienced gentle strikes the Earth and petrifies mankind across the globe—turning every single human into stone.
A variety of millennia later, Taiju awakens to hunt out the fashionable world totally nonexistent, as nature has flourished throughout the years humanity stood nonetheless. Amongst a stone world of statues, Taiju encounters one totally different residing human: his science-loving buddy Senkuu, who has been energetic for a few months. Taiju learns that Senkuu has developed a grand scheme—to launch the entire revival of civilization with science. Taiju’s brawn and Senkuu’s brains combine to forge a formidable partnership, and they also shortly uncover a way to revive these petrified.
Nonetheless, Senkuu’s grasp plan is threatened when his ideologies are challenged by those who awaken. All the whereas, the reason for mankind’s petrification stays unknown.