In the distant future, humanity has been pushed to near-extinction by large beasts often known as Klaxosaurs, forcing the surviving people to take refuge in large fortress cities known as Plantations. Youngsters raised listed below are skilled to pilot large mechas often known as FranXX—the solely weapons recognized to be efficient towards the Klaxosaurs—in boy-girl pairs. Bred for the sole function of piloting these machines, these youngsters know nothing of the outdoors world and are solely in a position to show their existence by defending their race.
Hiro, an aspiring FranXX pilot, has misplaced his motivation and self-confidence after failing a flair take a look at. Skipping out on his class’ commencement ceremony, Hiro retreats to a forest lake, the place he encounters a mysterious woman with two horns rising out of her head. She introduces herself by her codename Zero Two, which is understood to belong to an notorious FranXX pilot often known as the “Associate Killer.” Earlier than Hiro can digest the encounter, the Plantation is rocked by a sudden Klaxosaur assault. Zero Two engages the creature in her FranXX, however it’s closely broken in the skirmish and crashes close to Hiro. Discovering her companion useless, Zero Two invitations Hiro to pilot the mecha along with her, and the duo simply defeats the Klaxosaur in the ensuing struggle. With a brand new companion by his aspect, Hiro has been given an opportunity at redemption for his previous failures, however at what price?
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