Clannad: After Story, the sequel to the critically acclaimed slice-of-life collection Clannad, begins after Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa graduate from highschool. Collectively, they expertise the emotional rollercoaster of rising up. Unable to resolve on a course for his future, Tomoya learns the worth of a powerful work ethic and discovers the energy of Nagisa’s help. By means of the couple’s dedication and unity of goal, they push ahead to confront their private issues, deepen their previous relationships, and create new bonds.
Time additionally strikes on within the Illusionary World. Because the plains develop chilly with the method of winter, the Illusionary Lady and the Rubbish Doll are offered with a tough state of affairs that reveals the World’s true goal.
Based mostly on the visible novel by Key and produced by Kyoto Animation, Clannad: After Story is an impactful drama highlighting the significance of household and the struggles of maturity.