In a civilized society of anthropomorphic animals, an uneasy rigidity exists between carnivores and herbivores. At Cherryton Academy, this mutual mistrust peaks after a predation incident ends in the loss of life of Tem, an alpaca within the college’s drama membership. Tem’s good friend Legoshi, a gray wolf within the stage crew, has been an object of concern and suspicion for his complete life. Within the fast aftermath of the tragedy, he continues to put low and conceal his menacing traits, a lot to the disapproval of Louis, a purple deer and the domineering star actor of the drama membership.
When Louis sneaks into the auditorium to coach Tem’s alternative for an upcoming play, he assigns Legoshi to lookout responsibility. That very night time, Legoshi has a fateful encounter with Haru, a white dwarf rabbit scorned by her friends. His rising emotions for Haru, sophisticated by his predatory instincts, pressure him to confront his personal true nature, the circumstances surrounding the loss of life of his good friend, and the undercurrent of violence plaguing the world round him.